Friday, March 6, 2015

5 Rainbows in 5 Days Project!

My son jumped into pinterest's rainbow bandwagon! He peeped into my phone not once but on several occasions, pointing to rainbows saying "let's do this!" Lol. Maybe I'll just open a pinterest account for him to find kids activities and save me the effort!

These are 5 Rainbows made 5 days in a row, with Salt & Glue, Scrap Paper, Yarn, Felt & Nail Polish. They each took hardly any time to prepare (and a loooong time to conduct!) so we were good to go!

(1) Cut and paste Rainbows

I drew the arches on his drawing sheet and handed him the origami papers and told him to cut and paste bits of paper, color wise. He is still a bit of a cutting addict, so he cut, and cut to his hearts content. Then I helped him stick - as he instructed me to - mama, you stick while I cut. Hmm. That's what mamas are for. Back up to finish your work.

(2) Salt and glue Rainbows

Again, I drew arches on his drawing sheet. He squeezed glue over individual arches, and halfway through he handed the tube to me saying, you squeeze glue, while I sprinkle the salt. Hmmm. Team work. He's already delegating.

Then I tapped off excess salt, while he swept the place clean.

For transferring colored water with droppers, I insisted on mixing paints first. Mixing blue and pink gave us voilet, red and yellow gave us orange, blue and yellow gave us green.

He loo...oves salt and glue painting! And sometimes he would squeeze too much paint, which would overflow into the next arch! So we don't really have a yellow arch guys. If you noticed.

(3) Nail polish Rainbows

I learnt this on sciencekiddo, and was too was excited to do it myself. All we need is a bowl of water, clear nail polish and black chart paper (construction paper) cut outs. I was pretty sure my old sparkle nail polish would do the trick, since, c'mon, isn't it just some harmless sparkle in clear nail polish? But it didn't work. And I had to postpone the activity to the next day so I could buy a top coat.

It took all of ten minutes from start to finish! My kid dropped a few drops of clear nail polish into the water, then I dipped in a square and put it to dry. Repeat. The rainbow colors appeared immediately on the black cut outs!

(4) Yarn Rainbow

This time, I drew arches while he cut and paste yarn over the borders. Would've been better if we'd used black, but twas just one of those things that just disappear, y'know!

He didn't stop at that. He mixed some salt in the left over paint from yesterday, and painted the mix over the arches. Had a nice grainy texture the next day!

(5) Felt Rainbows

I'd made this puzzle a while ago, using felt. This isn't following VIBGYOR, but is a cool puzzle nonetheless!

Until later! Stay in touch!

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  1. A great way to learn about colour. #Prentingpinparty

    1. ya! mixing colors and a new color, ie indigo

  2. Great ideas for entertaining kids and learning colours at the same time! But I can just imagine how time-consuming it is to prepare everything for there activities :-)

    1. Well actually these weren't time consuming to prepare! Just draw a few arches and he gathered the remaining stationary!

  3. This is so fun! I will definitely be pinning it--we are looking for fun and crafty ideas to do this week! :) Thanks for sharing!

  4. So many fun rainbows! How cute that your son looks for rainbows on Pinterest. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  5. These are such neat crafts. I love the idea of the kids and the nail polish to make rainbows. A bit of science mixed in.

  6. Wow, I love the nail polish one - how cool!!! Thank you for sharing with us at the #HomeMattersParty
