Saturday, October 3, 2015

Travel & Quiet Time iPad Apps for Ages 3+

I completely agree that excessive screen time can be harmful, simply because it forms a habit very difficult to break. I have been extremely careful with ‘habit-formation’ in my kid’s early years. 

For e.g. We made sure we read a few books to him at bedtime, and over the years it has become such a deep rooted habit, that when it’s late and we’re exhausted, he still stubbornly insists on reading at least one book. Or I made sure he had oatmeal and broccoli ever since he started eating, and those are now his comfort foods. 

Similarly, we’ve *never* put on any cartoon channel on our television and since he is simply not used to watching YouTube videos on a daily basis, he himself gives the iPad back after the 20 minute timer goes off.  

Having said that I think it is ridiculous to cut your cable connection and never open your laptop in front of kids. My almost 4 year old has access to my devices at all times, which is a good thing! 

He sends voice messages through WhatsApp to his grandparents everyday (which is the cutest thing!). And when he gets back from school, he checks what voice text they’ve sent back. He FaceTimes with them on his own and he even sends text messages with the few sight words he knows! He can connect the iPad to the Bluetooth speaker and play his own music. He answers calls and even makes calls when he wants. He takes pictures with my camera phone, compact camera *and* SLR. And when getting dressed every morning for school, he checks the weather and temperature on my weather app and announces it to all- so we can dress accordingly. 

He even uses his pretend google maps while cruising around with his toy truck! So technology is good thing! It’s teaching him so much!

The following apps can be given to kids to keep busy when travelling or when you need some peace & quiet while you nap. I'm dividing them into 

  1. easy peasy, non-frustrating, i.e. can be solved w/o adult supervision, i.e. great for adult "me" time. 
  2. Medium level, where a little adult supervision is required, but great for exercising their brains!
  3. Difficult, mmmmaybe for 4 or 5 year old kids!
The Practical Mom: Travel & Quiet Time iPad Apps for Ages 3+

(1) Easy peasy, non-frustrating, i.e. can be solved w/o adult supervision, i.e. great for adult "me" time:

I Spy with LolaWhere’s the Duck are apt for his age (3+). There are three levels of difficulty 

The Practical Mom: Travel & Quiet Time iPad Apps for Ages 3+

The Practical Mom: Travel & Quiet Time iPad Apps for Ages 3+

This is the only Peppa Pig puzzle I found- again not so brainy as the correct picture is already visible!

The Practical Mom: Travel & Quiet Time iPad Apps for Ages 3+

Preschooler Games has 4- 25 puzzle pieces, but it the issue is that even if the puzzle piece hovers over the correct spot, it places it there. So there isn't much thinking happening! You can just aimlessly hover pieces over spots and the puzzle will get solved on its on! So its recommended for kids who are new to the concept. Or for adult nap time. 

The Practical Mom: Travel & Quiet Time iPad Apps for Ages 3+

(2) Medium level, where a little adult supervision is reqd, but great for exercising their little brains! 

Jigsaw Bug doesn't have the above issue, since it does have 'spots'  to place pieces. It has beautiful pictures that can be set for 4-300 puzzle pieces! 

The Practical Mom: Travel & Quiet Time iPad Apps for Ages 3+

The Practical Mom: Travel & Quiet Time iPad Apps for Ages 3+

(3) Difficult, mmmmaybe for 4 or 5 year old kids!

I downloaded Mystery World and Mystery USA, but turns out it only names the object to be found, say “Tower of Pisa”, a 3 y.o. will obv not know that. If they had a picture of the Tower saying this is what needs to be found like I Spy Lola then it would’ve worked out. Maybe for a little older kids. 

The Practical Mom: Travel & Quiet Time iPad Apps for Ages 3+

All of the above can be downloaded from the app store 

Until later! Stay in touch!

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  1. My kids love puzzles apps, but I've never seen many of these. Thanks for sharing!

    I'm hosting a link party on my blog and we'd love for you to come by and link up with us!

  2. We don't have an iPad, but Grammy does, so we might have to check some of these out the next time we see her!

  3. Great ideas!! Thanks so much for sharing them at the Bowdabra Saturday Crafty Showcase!!!

  4. Those are some great ideas!! I personally love puzzles and might find myself playing with their ipad's lol ... I would like to invite you to my DIY Crush Craft Party which starts at 7pm EST. and is new every Thursday. I'll pin every post!! ;)

  5. Some great games here. Thanks for sharing! Found you via Thursday Favorite things. Am pinning for later!

  6. Great app list! Thanks for linking up at the Thoughtful Spot Blog Hop this week!

  7. Thanks for all the lovely comments ladies ! :)
