Sunday, January 15, 2017

'Let's go Outside!' Board Game Printable! {Practical Mondays #42}

WHY on earth would children need further entertainment outdoors? Aren't the grass, swings and slides enough? 

They are! But it's too darn hot. So instead of staying indoors, I thought it made sense to keep them in the shade! Putting leftover stickers from the Where’s Wally book our brand new color pencil set to use, I made this impromptu game one morning, before a playdate at the park. 

Other than the usual move 2 steps forward, back & miss a turn, I made stuff up like:

Hide the toy and make others look for it (Which stirred up a good deal of excitement, both hiding and hunting!), tattoo a moustache on another player’s face, find a flower, collect 10 leaves, climb a ladder, climb a ladder, run to a tree & back etc! The 5-6 year olds thoroughly enjoyed it!

Additional stuff you’ll require: pawns, die, a toy & face paint

No printer? No problem! You can draw one within minutes!
Practical Mom: 'Let's go Outside!' Board Game Printable!

Practical Mom: 'Let's go Outside!' Board Game Printable!
Here's the one I drew on a drawing sheet! With left over stickers! 

(Using Paw Patrol toys for pawns, cuz where are the pawns when you need them!)

Practical Mom: 'Let's go Outside!' Board Game Printable!
You can make one too!

*Mostly* under the shade of a tree. Not bad!

Practical Mom: 'Let's go Outside!' Board Game Printable!

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  1. You're not just a practical mom -- you're a CREATIVE mom! I love a good vigorous scavenger hunt! And around here (Maine, USA) it's a matter of finding things to do because of the cold (or the never-ending mud season).

    1. Thank you so much Michele, so encouraging :)
      Never ending mud season will sound interesting to kids!

  2. Beautiful board game. Thanks for sharing this with us.
    Thank you for the linkup today. Have a great week.

  3. This is actually the only time of year that we CAN go outside, because it's only in the high 70s! Hope you get some heat relief soon!

    1. haha, by the time its ok to head outside, i'm too tired !

  4. Um... the linky tag is missing so I can't link up. We have been having super cold temps and it's supposed to warm up to the 4o's this week so we are anxious to get outside. Such a fun game idea.

    1. umm, can you try again? Cuz it seems to be there.

      We are loving summers although it's so hot that we long to get out of the city as often as possible!

    2. Weird.. it is there now! I tried loading it a few times earlier but my computer is acting pretty wacko today.

  5. This is so lovely. I'll definitely be printing one!#DreamTeam

  6. This is fab, thanks for sharing your lovely ideas with us!! It's pretty cold here at the moment, but still great to get outside and try something different!!

    1. Yeah, I live on the other side of the planet! :D

  7. I love this idea how fantastic! I'm definitely going to have a go at this once the weather warms up here a little. A great way to get kids engaging with the outside! Thanks for linking up to #coolmumclub with this x

  8. You are so creative Swapna and I always leave your posts feeling totally inspired. I'd not really thought of using a board game outdoors but this sounds so much fun. Thanks for linking up with #DreamTeam x

    1. you're so kind! Thanks so much for the encouragement :D

  9. I love this idea! Thank you for sharing it with us on the Hop link-up at Hip Homeschool Moms! My children are all grown up now (except for the 14-year-old), but I have nieces and nephews who will love this bingo game!

  10. Oooh I love the look and sound of this game! I bet my little one would love playing this, its so different from the usual board games :-) Fab post, thanks for sharing it on #MarvMondays. Emily

  11. The game looks like a lot of fun! The kids certainly are loving it. Thanks for sharing with SYC.

  12. This looks like so much fun! I will be trying this in the summer! #coolmumclub
