Sunday, May 29, 2016

I Spy Printables! (Practical Mondays #15)

When you’ve run out of options and have already “spied” of all the furniture, toys, doors & windows in the house, all types of trucks and minivans in the road, and all the posters and doctors equipment while waiting for your turn, here are some I Spy Sheets you could use! 

Not just spy, but count the items and write the number at the bottom too.

I Spy ebook by Practical Mom: educational printable to keep kids busy

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The Practical Mom: I Spy Printables! (Practical Mondays #15)


Printable Games by Practical MomPrintable Games by Practical MomPrintable Games by Practical Mom


Here are my picks from previous Practical Mondays

 (Head over to find out the story behind this quirky name!) 

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The Practical Mom: I Spy Printables! (Practical Mondays #15)

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  1. Interestingly, while I'm not a home schooler, I got lots of educational workbooks, and I'm now selling the unused ones that we've grown out of on ebay. Amazingly I've discovered a whole world of homeschoolers that are on the lookout for more of these types of things....(we travel a lot so if the kids missed school I made them do 'something')

    1. I'm not a homeschooler either! And my son *LOVES* these kind of worksheets! I usually just scribble it on his drawing book though! Thanks for stopping by Lydia :)

  2. Thanks for hosting each week! I like the I Spy sheets - great idea! Pinning for the summer :)

  3. Ooh, these sheets are such a great idea!! Great that they are just there ready for us to pin, or print straight away!! My boys live activity sheets-they'll love these!! Thanks for sharing with #bigpinklink

  4. What a great idea. Going to use these at school- thank you!


  5. Cute idea. My daughter is eleven and still loves to play eye spy but as you say, eventually you spy everything in the house :0)

    1. I know, these kind of sheets are actually for parents, cuz I'm really bored of spying the same old things at home!

  6. Ohh great idea for a printable, I love it xx #bigpinklink

  7. Hi! I teach hand sewing to elementary-age kids and I have a blog that shows other folks how to use the system I teach. (It was created 30+ years ago by a Montessori directress.) I'm just wondering if mine would be the type of posts suitable for your linkup.

    1. Yes please! It's activities with kids so will be a nice addition:)

    2. Great, done! :) Thank you for hosting this linkup.

  8. What child doesn't love I spy games! These printables look like they would be such fun and a good learning activity, too. Thanks for sharing at #LMMLinkup!

  9. These sheets are wonderful! My son loved I Spy books, I'm sure he still does, actually. Anyway, they kept him busy for a while and they were great to grow his eye strength. I Spy Books/activities are good for children who have Amblyopia (lazy eye). Thanks for sharing with us at #MMBH!
    -Dean @Mrs_AOK

  10. Great idea and thank you for sharing these printables with the #DreamTeam. Please can you make sure that you include a link back or the badge, that's would be brilliant. X
