Sunday, May 8, 2016

Art Studio Diaries: 10 Chapters (Practical Mondays #12)

I had an Art Studio, that conducted 8 sessions in the summer of 2015. It was something very close to my heart and made me extremely happy. But before I could start it full time, we moved countries. I don't know when will I be able to pursue it next, but here are my memories from it. 

Why Should Kids Paint?

Because paint needs to be poured & spilt.. 

The Practical Mom: Art Studio Diaries

The Practical Mom: Art Studio Diaries

Because the stones collected from the park need to be further explored.. 

The Practical Mom: Art Studio Diaries

Because the world is your canvas..

The Practical Mom: Art Studio Diaries

The Practical Mom: Art Studio Diaries

Because shaving cream is *not* for shaving (duh!)..

The Practical Mom: Art Studio Diaries

Because purple black and red mixed together make a great dirty brown..

The Practical Mom: Art Studio Diaries

The Practical Mom: Art Studio Diaries

Because it's fun dipping sugar cubes in color than eating em.. 

The Practical Mom: Art Studio Diaries

Because mama always keeps ice slabs in the freezer..

The Practical Mom: Art Studio Diaries

Because... paint needs to be sprayed to the hearts content..

The Practical Mom: Art Studio Diaries

Because... just because!

The Practical Mom: Art Studio Diaries

"Art has a role in education of helping children become themselves, 
instead of more like everyone else.”

The Practical Mom: Art Studio Diaries (with Preschoolers, 10 Chapters)
because the product is least important!

When both kids want the same color, same slab of ice to same brush!

with the least amount of budget imaginable

beautiful pine leaves and dainty little pebbles 

no need to get crafty and make cardboard into castles or whatever, just give them the box and paint

# 6 Sgrafitto 
blunt-sharp objects to scratch the surface and then paint 

for kids who like painting big!

bring out all kitchen items!

creamy, foamy, and absolutely delightful 

paints mixed with baking soda & vinegar 

The Practical Mom: Art Studio Diaries (with Preschoolers, 10 Chapters)

Feature from previous Practical Mondays worth a peek!

Ayan Shire 
 Teacher Mom Plus 3

The Practical Mom: Art Studio Diaries (with Preschoolers, 10 Chapters)

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  1. We love painting - I don't mind the mess, tho they do it outside. Paint big boxes to turn into trains or cars they can ride in...bigger the better!

  2. Your art studio looks like it was awesome! I would have loved participating. :)

  3. I love all the reasons you listed. Thank you for the feature, my kids love painting and anything arts and crafts :).

  4. I love the paint all over the leg - so fun!

  5. I love the sugar cube idea, I would have never in a million years thought of that! My two love painting. I need to get better about bringing it into our regular rotation of activities, it's always such a huge hit.

    1. it is sticky and mucky- don't tell me i didn't warn you! but a lot of fun!

  6. I love all the creative painting techniques. What a great way to keep the kids busy while encouraging creativity and exploration!

  7. That brings back such happy childhood memories. I never stopped having fun with paint.

  8. Looks like a very cool time. Love the paint. It helps develop the brains of young kids.

  9. This looks like so much fun! Thanks for hosting, and hope you have a wonderful week :)

  10. Looks fantastic. I can't help it though, I'm internally shuddering at the mess :-)


  11. Another creative post! Never knew about sugar!! Thanks for sharing with #PasstheSauce . Though I must admit I have to get used to mess being part of the creative process.

  12. I love it! It's like a painting poem. And it looks like so. much. fun!

  13. That looks like fun messy art!

    Thanks so much for sharing at #bloggerspotlight!

  14. Hi Swapna,

    First of all, I should say a big thank you!! Yours is the first Indian blog (even though you have moved to a different country now) I have seen which uses simple playing, art and learning methods. Almost all of the other similar blogs I have come across, were from US or other parts of the world. I was able to get a lot of ideas from those blogs, but almost always I would not have access to the materials they have used (or) they are very costly here in India. With ideas from your blog, I can use stuff already in my house or I can easily buy them from local markets or Amazon for a small price. I cannot thank you enough for giving me confidence that I can engage my kids (they are aged 5 and 2 now) easily with less or no spending money. Particularly the post in which you said that, we go and buy such costly toys for kids, but sadly they never get played enough to justify the amount spent. I completely agree with that.

    I have a question for you on the art supplies though. I am looking for buying kids paint which can be squeezed out of a bottle instead of using them from small bottles. Most of our Indian brands (Camlin, Faber Castel etc) have such bottle paints. Do you have any idea where I might be able to get paint in squeezy bottles. By the way I am in Chennai, TamilNadu. (This question was triggered by a photo in this post where your son is squeezing pink paint out of a bottle ).

    Keep up the Good work. You Rock!!!

    1. Hi! Thank you so much for the compliments and such a long thoughtful comment!

      About squeeze paint: I usually mix maida (white flour) with paint & water- so give it the desired thickness in an empty 'sauce' bottle (can be bought at any 'variety' store, or stores selling plastic items, quite cheap too!). I even experimented with disposable baggies (here's the link: But would recommend the sauce bottles!

      You can make 2/3 such bottles (so your kids can use 2/3 colors at a time) and keep them in the fridge right after the activity so they can be used for a couple of days before discarding.

      Hope this is useful! My son used to LOVE his squeeze bottles and I think I should make one for him again!
